Power Systems Integrity, Inc. (PSI) developed an advanced Secondary Network Monitoring System that is easy to install
No communication wiring is required!
CEMesh ® uses the power delivery system as the communications wiring
Voltage, Current, Temperature, and Calculates Phase Angle, and Power Factor
Inputs from other IED's and sensors, such as Manhole gases like H2 and CH4
CEMesh ®
Secondary Network Monitoring improves visibility of the Network providing a tool for condition-based maintenance that will lead to improved network planning and performance. Combined, these benefits have an impact on:
Improved system reliability and availability
Optimized manpower and asset utilization
Improved public safety
Improved fault detection, location, and restoration of service
Reduced collateral damage due to cable burnouts
Online peak load monitoring
AMR backhaul through PSI's fixed network
Monitor the Current, Voltage, & Phase Angle on all 3 Phases of Network Transformers and Manholes
The Secondary Network Monitoring System has demonstrated excellent communications reliability
CDMA communications from below grade in transformer vaults is easy to install and provides excellent communications reliability
CEMesh ® PLC communications has proved itself as a viable communications backbone for generalized measurements in Secondary Networks
Ready for Field Deployment on your Secondary Network